Tagliatelle with Leeks

Posted by Lindsay Girvan on

You will need:  Pasta of your choice (I use tagliatelle), several glugs olive oil and a knob of butter, 1 or 2 leeks, 2 large dollops of plain or Greek style  yoghurt, bouillon/stock to cover the leeks,  parmesan, grated (or pecorino or other hard cheese), nutmeg, sea salt, freshly ground pepper, fresh chopped herbs of your choice!

What to do:

Very finely slice the washed leek(s). Warm the olive oil and knob of butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan and throw in the leeks to sauté with lid on for a few minutes. Grate ½ a nutmeg into this mixture. Add the bouillon (around ½ litre) and cook until just cooked, still lively, and green! 5-15 mins depending on the size of the pieces of the the leeks. Check the seasoning and add salt and pepper to taste.

In the meantime, cook the pasta until al dente.  Drain, and add to the leeks. Add the yoghurt and half the cheese you have grated (a couple of large handfuls). Stir together for a couple of minutes. Serve hot with the rest of the cheese, a good twist or two of black pepper and fresh herbs.

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